Why Shouldn’t We Ban Homework Assignments?

The debate on whether homework should be banned has been going on for ages now. Some have claimed that these take-home assignments take up time that students would have rather used for revising and studying for their exams. Is this claim morally correct? Why are parents not demonstrating allover to stop this debate? Shouldn’t they be supporting the essence of hard work that they also experienced back then while still in school?

Shockingly, the main party that is passionately against this debate is students who would rather have vacations and clubbing in place of homework assignments. Are these replacements even worthwhile?

Over the years, the benefits of homework have often outweighed its disadvantages. One of its main advantages being that it boosts mutual interactions between teachers, parents, and students. Other than this core importance, here are some of the other core reasons why we shouldn’t abolish homework assignments.

The home environment is perfect – working from home environment gives you a distraction-free workspace away from unhealthy classroom competitions giving you the peace of mind and motivation to prioritize finishing your assignments on time.

Improved student-teacher interaction – homework should be two-way traffic where one mutually feeds on the other. In this case, students require timely feedback and guidelines to correct their mistakes and appropriately finish the assignment. Educators, on the other hand, monitor their students and offer more assignments plus help to enable the student to advance academically.

Boosts Presentation skills – every assignment often ends with a presentation. Since all these are graded, most students take their sweet time to improve on their presentation skills promising continual growth in this area that would turn out very beneficial in their careers.

Teaches self-responsibility – working with tight deadlines, often mean that students have to strive as much as they can and observe punctual submissions. To do this effectively, they need to be responsible enough to prioritize and work on the most demanding tasks first.

Offers a second chance for improvement – homework offers teachers and parents the opportunity to identify areas of weaknesses amongst their students. Students who fail in a particular assignment gives them the chance to improve on the failed section while preparing for the last exam.

Prevents indulgence in bad habits – spending time working on their homework helps keep students from indulging in messy habits such as drug abuse, alcoholism, and other criminal activities and makes them use their time constructively.

Strengthens the parent-teacher-student bond - homework assignments opens up a unique window through which parents can get involved in their kids’ academic progress. Parents can offer assistance where it is needed and are occasionally encouraged to stay in contact with the teachers in identifying weak areas and possible remedies.

Enhances the growth of life skills – certain homework assignments may require group discussions and/or collaborative work. During discussions, one gets to home their interpersonal and teamwork skills that might become very handy in their future careers.

Helps one prepare for exams – lastly, doing homework assignments enables students to gain new insights as well as reinforce learned materials. This way, students get to prepare for their exams easily without struggling to cram knowledge.